Wednesday 28th May 

Te Pae, Christchurch

Join Us for the BCA LEADERS FORUM!

This focused, strategic day brings together internationally recognized experts in legislation, construction, insurance, and IT.

As the industry continues to evolve, shaped by local, international, and political forces, it’s crucial to stay informed and lead your team through the ongoing changes and challenges.

The BCA Leaders Forum will be held on Wednesday, May 28th at Te Pae Conference Centre in Christchurch, immediately following the BOINZ Symposium.

Your registration includes access to the Excellence Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening and a sit-down lunch with a guest speaker on Wednesday.

We also invite you to attend the full Symposium, with options to participate in both events across the three days. Take a look at the programme to discover the topics that will be most valuable to you.

For more information or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at admin@boinz.org.nz or events@boinz.org.nz.

We look forward to offering a programme that will strategically enhance your work environment and deepen your team's expertise.

Click here for the BCA LEADERS PROGRAMME


MC / Q&A and Panel Facilitator – Jehan Casinader


Registration & Expo


Building Reform – David Chandler, CE Advisory, Former NSW Building Commissioner 

What are the challenges / what are the opportunities. What has happened before? We hear from an experienced leader in the sector.


Resourcing and Innovation for the Future - Technology / AI Direction in the Regulatory Environment - Tony Walls – Objective

Taking us on a journey.  IT Technology is a fast-paced sector and what we are today is a redundancy timeline, Tony will detail where regulatory software and IT are heading and by implication the resources needed including staff skillsets.  IT solutions are ideally targeted at making lives easier by consistency and quality outputs. Dovetailing the needs of regulators and technology requires innovation and resource.  Tony will take us down a path of awareness and understanding future working environments. 

Tony’s presentation will precede short expert digital panel discussion including a regulator, BCA user and Customer Benefits interface.


Morning Tea


Natural Hazards – Charlotta Harpur & Laura Bielby – Rice Spier

Changing environmental impacts will mean new challenges for building and building legislation.


Insurance – John Lucas - Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ)

Bringing together design, build and repair certainty to achieve insurance affordability.


BWOF – The case for Change Panel Discussion facilitated by award winning journalist Jehan Casinader

Do recent incidents and practices indicate causes for change – learning and findings. Is it time to put resource where it is needed and identify the responsibilities?  Who needs to step up? A National BWOF Register? BCA Collective ownership?  What can BCAs do and who needs to do what?


Exhibition & Monitor Sessions


Sit down lunch with Guest Speaker

Risk and the current Building Reform - Prof. Kim Lovegrove

An IBQC perspective on what international best practice building regulations look like - key elements.


Risk informed consenting – Panel Discussion facilitated by award winning journalist Jehan Casinader

How to get the balance? What is risk informed and homing in on the right spaces?  What is the thought process?  What does it take and how to enable you to take a risk informed approach?


Building Consent Authorities Reform – TBC

Followed by Q&A session


Managing the Paradigm Shift - Keryn Davis – ADNZ

Keryn Davis draws on her experiences as a participant of the Dunedin Study and with a background in human development, change and research.  What does it take to develop people and change? Growing people in a changing environment and influencing life’s trajectory


Afternoon Tea


Breakout Discussion groups – 3 x 15-minute sessions with current topics, future issues for discussion, major changes and opportunities

Topics for this session will be finalised closer to the date of the Forum to align with current relevance for the industry.

  • Session One
  • Session Two
  • Session Three


Closing keynote - TBC




End of Day 3



Wednesday 28th May 

Te Pae, Christchurch

Join Us for the BCA LEADERS FORUM!

This focused, strategic day brings together internationally recognized experts in legislation, construction, insurance, and IT.

As the industry continues to evolve, shaped by local, international, and political forces, it’s crucial to stay informed and lead your team through the ongoing changes and challenges.

The BCA Leaders Forum will be held on Wednesday, May 28th at Te Pae Conference Centre in Christchurch, immediately following the BOINZ Symposium.

Your registration includes access to the Excellence Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening and a sit-down lunch with a guest speaker on Wednesday.

We also invite you to attend the full Symposium, with options to participate in both events across the three days. Take a look at the programme to discover the topics that will be most valuable to you.

For more information or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at admin@boinz.org.nz or events@boinz.org.nz.

We look forward to offering a programme that will strategically enhance your work environment and deepen your team's expertise.

Click here for the BCA LEADERS PROGRAMME


MC / Q&A and Panel Facilitator – Jehan Casinader


Registration & Expo


Building Reform – David Chandler, CE Advisory, Former NSW Building Commissioner 

What are the challenges / what are the opportunities. What has happened before? We hear from an experienced leader in the sector.


Resourcing and Innovation for the Future - Technology / AI Direction in the Regulatory Environment - Tony Walls – Objective

Taking us on a journey.  IT Technology is a fast-paced sector and what we are today is a redundancy timeline, Tony will detail where regulatory software and IT are heading and by implication the resources needed including staff skillsets.  IT solutions are ideally targeted at making lives easier by consistency and quality outputs. Dovetailing the needs of regulators and technology requires innovation and resource.  Tony will take us down a path of awareness and understanding future working environments. 

Tony’s presentation will precede short expert digital panel discussion including a regulator, BCA user and Customer Benefits interface.


Morning Tea


Natural Hazards – Charlotta Harpur & Laura Bielby – Rice Spier

Changing environmental impacts will mean new challenges for building and building legislation.


Insurance – John Lucas - Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ)

Bringing together design, build and repair certainty to achieve insurance affordability.


BWOF – The case for Change Panel Discussion facilitated by award winning journalist Jehan Casinader

Do recent incidents and practices indicate causes for change – learning and findings. Is it time to put resource where it is needed and identify the responsibilities?  Who needs to step up? A National BWOF Register? BCA Collective ownership?  What can BCAs do and who needs to do what?


Exhibition & Monitor Sessions


Sit down lunch with Guest Speaker

Risk and the current Building Reform - Prof. Kim Lovegrove

An IBQC perspective on what international best practice building regulations look like - key elements.


Risk informed consenting – Panel Discussion facilitated by award winning journalist Jehan Casinader

How to get the balance? What is risk informed and homing in on the right spaces?  What is the thought process?  What does it take and how to enable you to take a risk informed approach?


Building Consent Authorities Reform – TBC

Followed by Q&A session


Managing the Paradigm Shift - Keryn Davis – ADNZ

Keryn Davis draws on her experiences as a participant of the Dunedin Study and with a background in human development, change and research.  What does it take to develop people and change? Growing people in a changing environment and influencing life’s trajectory


Afternoon Tea


Breakout Discussion groups – 3 x 15-minute sessions with current topics, future issues for discussion, major changes and opportunities

Topics for this session will be finalised closer to the date of the Forum to align with current relevance for the industry.

  • Session One
  • Session Two
  • Session Three


Closing keynote - TBC




End of Day 3

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