About our Branches

The Institute has nine branches throughout New Zealand. The branch network is essentially the "eyes and ears" of the Institute. As such its role is to be a regional conduit for the development of ideas, intelligence and regional initiatives.

Through this activity the Institute's Board utilises incoming information to improve the positions and practices within the Institute for its members, and in the interests of the wider Built Environment.

Branch Meetings function as a centre of learning throughout the year for members, with regular guest presentations showcasing innovation, technical expertise and ensuring members are kept up to date with the latest industry developments.

A key benefit of membership with the Institute are the networking opportunities provided at Branch Meeting level. The more you get involved, the more value you will receive from your membership.  

To contact your Branch Executive contact Membership@boinz.org.nz. 

About our Branches

The Institute has nine branches throughout New Zealand. The branch network is essentially the "eyes and ears" of the Institute. As such its role is to be a regional conduit for the development of ideas, intelligence and regional initiatives.

Through this activity the Institute's Board utilises incoming information to improve the positions and practices within the Institute for its members, and in the interests of the wider Built Environment.

Branch Meetings function as a centre of learning throughout the year for members, with regular guest presentations showcasing innovation, technical expertise and ensuring members are kept up to date with the latest industry developments.

A key benefit of membership with the Institute are the networking opportunities provided at Branch Meeting level. The more you get involved, the more value you will receive from your membership.  

To contact your Branch Executive contact Membership@boinz.org.nz. 

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