National Qualifications

The Qualification requirements for those working within a Building Control Authority (BCA) environment as a Building Surveyor will benefit all those working in Building Surveying over time.

While a significant proportion of Building Surveyors are employed within the regulatory environment of local government there is an increasing expectation that those who support this sector and those who work independently will and should be formally qualified, as required in other countries.

The qualification requirements for BCOs under Regulation 18 have been mandated to ensure knowledge of the wider professional requirements, and to deliver consistency and accountability to the role nationally.

The first step in qualifying existing BCOs is to progress them through a qualification process known as Assessed Prior Learning (APL) .

The Institute is working on a nationally consistent Cadetship Programme, which will allow entry platforms for those interested in a Building Surveying career.

NZ Diploma in Building Surveying (Level 6)

BOINZ had a lead role in developing and bringing to fruition full time and in-employment pathways to gaining the NZ Diploma in Building Surveying, motivated by consistency and quality delivery of building surveying outcomes nationwide, and in respect of those needing to meet Regulation 18 of the Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2006.

The Institute is the major strategic industry partner in the qualification, with other related organisations having an interest in the qualification outcome including industry bodies, MBIE, LGNZ, BCA's, SOLGM, IANZ and others. These organisations had qualification development input to help with the approval and listing on the NZQA framework along with Skills and Otago Polytechnic.

For more information on the NZ Diploma in Building Surveying CLICK HERE

NZ Certificate in Building Regulatory Environment (Level 4)

Our commitment to quality education is further supported by the NZ Certificate in Building Regulatory Environment - an introductory qualification to Building Control.

It is designed both as an entry point for the technical level Diploma (Level 6) and those seeking work in the design, building and construction, or BCA administration and support functions environment. It delivers a working knowledge of the building regulatory environment for anyone not required to 'make technical decisions' and hence not needing to meet Regulation 18.

For more information on the NZ Certificate in Building and Regulatory Environment CLICK HERE


National Qualifications

The Qualification requirements for those working within a Building Control Authority (BCA) environment as a Building Surveyor will benefit all those working in Building Surveying over time.

While a significant proportion of Building Surveyors are employed within the regulatory environment of local government there is an increasing expectation that those who support this sector and those who work independently will and should be formally qualified, as required in other countries.

The qualification requirements for BCOs under Regulation 18 have been mandated to ensure knowledge of the wider professional requirements, and to deliver consistency and accountability to the role nationally.

The first step in qualifying existing BCOs is to progress them through a qualification process known as Assessed Prior Learning (APL) .

The Institute is working on a nationally consistent Cadetship Programme, which will allow entry platforms for those interested in a Building Surveying career.

NZ Diploma in Building Surveying (Level 6)

BOINZ had a lead role in developing and bringing to fruition full time and in-employment pathways to gaining the NZ Diploma in Building Surveying, motivated by consistency and quality delivery of building surveying outcomes nationwide, and in respect of those needing to meet Regulation 18 of the Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2006.

The Institute is the major strategic industry partner in the qualification, with other related organisations having an interest in the qualification outcome including industry bodies, MBIE, LGNZ, BCA's, SOLGM, IANZ and others. These organisations had qualification development input to help with the approval and listing on the NZQA framework along with Skills and Otago Polytechnic.

For more information on the NZ Diploma in Building Surveying CLICK HERE

NZ Certificate in Building Regulatory Environment (Level 4)

Our commitment to quality education is further supported by the NZ Certificate in Building Regulatory Environment - an introductory qualification to Building Control.

It is designed both as an entry point for the technical level Diploma (Level 6) and those seeking work in the design, building and construction, or BCA administration and support functions environment. It delivers a working knowledge of the building regulatory environment for anyone not required to 'make technical decisions' and hence not needing to meet Regulation 18.

For more information on the NZ Certificate in Building and Regulatory Environment CLICK HERE


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