World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Thursday April 28 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work (aka ‘Worker’s Memorial Day’). It is a day to remember those who die as a result of work. It also reinforces the goal of helping ensure everyone who goes to work should come home healthy and safe.

Each year in New Zealand up to 900 people die from work-related illnesses and 50-60 die from work-related injuries. Thousands of workers are seriously injured – often with lifelong consequences.

That’s why WorkSafe New Zealand along with business, workers and their representatives and other stakeholders are driving a new way of thinking about work health and safety.

WorkSafe fully supports World Day for Safety and Health at Work which is promoted by the United Nations agency, the International Labour Organisation. More information is available at the ILO website.

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU) is a key partner for WorkSafe to helping improve this country’s work health and safety performance. In this brief video CTU President Richard Wagstaff outlines the importance of World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

To see the original article and video on Worksafe's website, please click here.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Thursday April 28 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work (aka ‘Worker’s Memorial Day’). It is a day to remember those who die as a result of work. It also reinforces the goal of helping ensure everyone who goes to work should come home healthy and safe.

Each year in New Zealand up to 900 people die from work-related illnesses and 50-60 die from work-related injuries. Thousands of workers are seriously injured – often with lifelong consequences.

That’s why WorkSafe New Zealand along with business, workers and their representatives and other stakeholders are driving a new way of thinking about work health and safety.

WorkSafe fully supports World Day for Safety and Health at Work which is promoted by the United Nations agency, the International Labour Organisation. More information is available at the ILO website.

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU) is a key partner for WorkSafe to helping improve this country’s work health and safety performance. In this brief video CTU President Richard Wagstaff outlines the importance of World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

To see the original article and video on Worksafe's website, please click here.

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