Suspended Ceiling Code of Practice Released

The Code of Practice for Design, Installation and Seismic Restraint of Suspended ceilings has been released by the Association of Wall & Ceiling Industries of NZ in response to recommendations from the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission.

During the Christchurch and Seddon earthquakes unrestrained and poorly planned and designed ceilings and services infrastructure were significantly damaged.

AWCI and the suspended ceiling industry recognised the problem and has proactively worked with the major install and supply companies, BRANZ and MBIE to establish the new Code of Practice.

The Code of Practice for Design, Installation and Seismic Restraint of Suspended ceilings is available for free download at

Suspended Ceiling Code of Practice Released

The Code of Practice for Design, Installation and Seismic Restraint of Suspended ceilings has been released by the Association of Wall & Ceiling Industries of NZ in response to recommendations from the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission.

During the Christchurch and Seddon earthquakes unrestrained and poorly planned and designed ceilings and services infrastructure were significantly damaged.

AWCI and the suspended ceiling industry recognised the problem and has proactively worked with the major install and supply companies, BRANZ and MBIE to establish the new Code of Practice.

The Code of Practice for Design, Installation and Seismic Restraint of Suspended ceilings is available for free download at

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