New Guidance Says Well-Planned Ground Investigations Can Save Costs - MBIE Building Controls Update

A new practice advisory explainsthe need for early site investigation, as a key element in controlling thecosts of a project and delivering good building performance.

The advisory describes the aims ofsite investigation, investment considerations and the site investigationstrategy – including extent, depth and inherent uncertainties.

Practice Advisory 17: Well-planned ground investigationscan save costs

New Guidance Says Well-Planned Ground Investigations Can Save Costs - MBIE Building Controls Update

A new practice advisory explainsthe need for early site investigation, as a key element in controlling thecosts of a project and delivering good building performance.

The advisory describes the aims ofsite investigation, investment considerations and the site investigationstrategy – including extent, depth and inherent uncertainties.

Practice Advisory 17: Well-planned ground investigationscan save costs

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