NZ Housing and Construction Quarterly

14 March 2014 

The New Zealand Housing and Construction Quarterly (NZHCQ) analyses sector trends in the building, construction and housing sectors.

The NZHCQ report brings together information from Statistics New Zealand, Quotable Value, and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to provide a comprehensive picture of the sector for the quarter.

Visit the MBIE website to download the report.

NZ Housing and Construction Quarterly

14 March 2014 

The New Zealand Housing and Construction Quarterly (NZHCQ) analyses sector trends in the building, construction and housing sectors.

The NZHCQ report brings together information from Statistics New Zealand, Quotable Value, and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to provide a comprehensive picture of the sector for the quarter.

Visit the MBIE website to download the report.

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