Facilities Management Diploma in New Zealand

Massey University, in collaboration with The Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ), has launched New Zealand's first entry-level university qualifications in respect of facilities management.

The Diploma in Facilities Management (DipFM) is geared towards providing school leavers and junior level FM professionals, with fundamental knowledge, while the new Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management (GradDipFM) allows for progression into more senior leadership roles.

Both are eight credit courses which can be completed in one year of full-time study, via on-campus or distance learning. The course can also be taken part-time. There is an option to exit the course with a Certificate/Graduate Certificate level on completion of four papers.

For more information on the Diplomas, please visit the webpage for Massey University.

Diplomas in Facilities Management

Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management

Facilities Management Diploma in New Zealand

Massey University, in collaboration with The Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ), has launched New Zealand's first entry-level university qualifications in respect of facilities management.

The Diploma in Facilities Management (DipFM) is geared towards providing school leavers and junior level FM professionals, with fundamental knowledge, while the new Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management (GradDipFM) allows for progression into more senior leadership roles.

Both are eight credit courses which can be completed in one year of full-time study, via on-campus or distance learning. The course can also be taken part-time. There is an option to exit the course with a Certificate/Graduate Certificate level on completion of four papers.

For more information on the Diplomas, please visit the webpage for Massey University.

Diplomas in Facilities Management

Graduate Diploma in Facilities Management

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