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This course will provide an understanding of the mechanics of heat transfer and how to provide insulation of various types to ensure a building provides a safe and warm environment. It makes sense of the various paths to compliance including schedule, calculation and modelling methods.
This course provides participants with the information to understand and be able to explain the requirements in Building Code clauses G1 Personal Hygiene, G2 Laundering, G3 Food Preparation, G4 Ventilation, G7 Natural Light, G8 Artificial Light, G9 Electricity and E3 Internal Moisture.
This course can be used to demonstrate competency in Regulation 10(3)(c), 10(3)(d)(i) and 10(3)(d)(ii).
This course will provide participants with a working knowledge of those clauses of the NZBC that provide for the quality, amenity and user safety within the internal spaces of our built environment. The correct application of these Code Clauses is essential to achieve an acceptably safe and healthy internal environment. All building surveyors require an understanding of the principals behind these clauses and the minimum requirements of the NZBC.
This course will provide an understanding of NZS 3604 an Acceptable Solution in B1 and the ability to apply this knowledge to ensure compliance of a completed construction. An absolute must for anyone starting out in Building Controls.
This 2 day course is designed as refresher/supplementary course to the existing 3-day Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) and Specified System course. Click here for course content.
This course will provide an understanding of the content of the NZS 4229:2013 and NZS 4210:2001 and the ability to apply this knowledge to ensure compliance of a completed concrete masonry construction.
This 1 day course is designed as refresher/supplementary course to the existing 3-day Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) and Specified System course. Click here for course content.
This course covers AS/NZS 3500.2 and includes: refresher of the NZBC performance criteria for G13 Foul water; AS/NZS 3500.2 sanitary plumbing and drainage for up to 3 storeys (equates to the scope of G13/AS1); floor waste gullies; overflow relief gullies; 3500.2 underfloor drainage applications; gradients and venting; stacks: single stack - fully vented; mix and match with G13/AS1/AS2 and what this looks like. A residential focus with similarities/differences to commercial plumbing and drainage situations explained.
This course will give participants an understanding of the ‘Big Picture’ in terms of the building environment, local government and private sector building controls, agencies, the people and the language and how as a Building Official they fit into the picture.
The Building Code stipulates requirements around the durability of various building components, ensuring the continued safety and health of building users. This course provides clear guidance for Steel fixings, timber, concrete, structural steel, claddings, membranes and sealants.
This course will provide an understanding of the mechanics of water and the application of these principles to ensure buildings are weather tight and comply with Building Code Clause E2 External Moisture.
This 2 day course is designed as refresher/supplementary course to the existing 3-day Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) and Specified System course. Click here for course content.
This course will give participants an understanding of the ‘Big Picture’ in terms of the building environment, local government and private sector building controls, agencies, the people and the language and how as a Building Official they fit into the picture.
This course will provide an understanding of the mechanics of water and the application of these principles to ensure buildings are weather tight and comply with Building Code Clause E2 External Moisture.
The Building Code stipulates requirements around the durability of various building components, ensuring the continued safety and health of building users. This course provides clear guidance for Steel fixings, timber, concrete, structural steel, claddings, membranes and sealants.
This course will provide participants with a working knowledge of those clauses of the NZBC that provide for the quality, amenity and user safety within the internal spaces of our built environment. The correct application of these Code Clauses is essential to achieve an acceptably safe and healthy internal environment. All building surveyors require an understanding of the principals behind these clauses and the minimum requirements of the NZBC.
This 1 day course is designed as refresher/supplementary course to the existing 3-day Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) and Specified System course. Click here for course content.
A must do and must understand two part course for all BCOs. This two subject one day course defines the specific technical requirements of the NZBC Clause D1 Access Routes and NZBC Clauses F1 - 4 Safety of Users. The course sets out the performance requirements and how to meet these to provide safe and accessible access routes and most importantly safeguard people from injury or illness.
This course will provide an understanding of NZS 3604 an Acceptable Solution in B1 and the ability to apply this knowledge to ensure compliance of a completed construction. An absolute must for anyone starting out in Building Controls.
This course will give a participant an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the compliance schedule regime, including how a compliance schedule should be prepared. The requirements around Warrants of Fitness and other documentation is provided, and an explanation of each specified system, and the inspection and maintenance regimes which ensure the safe operation of these systems.