Add a Listing
- To add a job, please complete the form below and click the 'Add' button.
- Your listing will then be uploaded to our Situations Vacant page once approved by our HR Division Administrator.
- An invoice will be sent to you upon submitting your listing. If you wish to pay this invoice via credit card, simply login in to your "My BOINZ" account, select view invoices and use the PAY NOW option. Please note: A 2.5% surcharge will be applied to payments made via credit card. You will also receive a PAID INVOICE when your credit card has been processed.
- Please note you can only advertise for one position for each individual listing. If you have multiple positions, you are required to advertise them individually.
- Please note, when populating the website field please ensure you include - Http://.
We've made some changes to our jobs board to make sure you get the most out of your listing.
Choose between the following 3 options:
Listing only.
$300 | Your listing featured for 30 days on the "Situations Vacant" section of our website
Social + Listing.
$330 | As above, and your job listing shared on our Facebook and Linked In pages
Digital + Listing.
$390 | As above, and your listing shared in our Monthly Update email newsletter sent to our 1250+ members. Please note: Our monthly newsletter is released at the start of each month.