Excellence Award Winners 2023

Contribution to Technical and Legislative Improvements Award - sponsored by MBIE, BSP

This award is given to the individual who has excelled in contributing to advancing the technical and/or legislative understanding of members.

Bruce Symon

Training Commitment Award - sponsored by MiTek NZ

The Individual or Organisation that has committed to significantly improving the position of training in their field. 

Jayson Ellis

Emerging Leader Award - sponsored by Resene Construction Systems

Each Branch is to nominate an individual who has shown exceptional leadership skills at a local and/or national level, whose actions have grown the value of BOINZ among members.

Dhyanom Gala

Contribution to BOINZ Award - sponsored by Juralco

The individual or organisation who have made a significant impact to the advancement of BOINZ in the market place.

Jennifer Clarke

Outstanding Commitment To Information, Skills Development And Education Of Building Officials Award - sponsored by BRANZ

The individual or organisation who demonstrated outstanding commitment to providing information, developing skills and advancing the education of Building Officials within the Industry. 

Training Technical Advisory Group - 

Jayson Ellis, Kerry Walsh, Tessa Sayliss, Emilia Lukins, Warren Kitchen, Les Smith and Helen Lawton

Young* Building Control Professional Of The Year Award - sponsored by Pacific Steel

Young* defined as under the age of 35 as at 31st December 2022. This Award goes to an individual that reflects strong professional growth and has dedicated their time to enhancing the Building Control profession. 

Bhargava Chandrashekara

Innovator Of The Year Award - sponsored by CHH PLY

This award recognises a building control professional or team engaged in building control activities, who has demonstrated commitment to innovation. 

Otorohanga District Council

Organisational Commitment To Community Service And Response Award - sponsored by Allco

Awarded to an organisation who demonstrates dedication to exceptional community service and response.

Auckland Council

Branch of the Year Award - sponsored by GIB Winstone Wallboards 

The Branch award is considered by the BOINZ Board each year based on participation, innovation and member value at a local level. 

East Coast Branch

Unsung Hero Award - sponsored by Tracklok

One particular unsung hero - a volunteer who has dedicated significant time to the Institute.

Jeffery Fahrensohn

Top Student of the Year - sponsored by Future Skills

Sian Teulon

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